More quotes by classical composer Ernest BlochErnest BlochConcerto Grosso No. 1 Concerto Grosso No. 2 Schelomo: Hebraic Rhapsody Georges Miquelle, cello Howard Hanson Conducting the Eastman-Rochester Orchestra ![]() Ernest Bloch: Avodath Hakadosh (Sacred Service) Leonard Bernstein conducts the New York Philharmonic 1992 Sony Classical "In those of my works that are described as Jewish I did not approach the problem from the outside by using more or less authentic melodies or oriental formulas, rhythms or intervals! No! I listened only to an inner voice, deep, secret, insistent, burning, the voice of instinct far more than cold, dry reason, and the result was music. -- To what extent it is Jewish, to what extent it is only Ernest Bloch I cannot say: only the future can decide." For more info see Bloch, Schoenberg, and Bernstein: Assimilating Jewish Music by David M. Schiller and our review of Avodath Hakadosh.
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