CD Reviews Dov ShurinBiblical Revenge 2002 Aderet Music Corp.
Dov Shurin has come a long way from writing John Lennon tribute songs. And as we get closer to the tenth anniversary of the Oslo Accords, "give peace a chance" isn’t exactly what many Israelis are singing these days. Fans of Dov Shurin are singing "Nekama", or revenge, the catchy first track off Biblical Revenge. The former American’s seventh album contains Carlebach style ballads that showcase Shurin’s vocal talent. Catchy 'ai yai yai' choruses include s children’s choir giving it a Hasidic/yeshivish sound. The music is folk-rock with an acoustic guitar base and jam band flavor with flutes similar to the Diaspora Yeshiva Band. Like his other albums there are English tunes such as Down With the Arafats. The tall, bearded singer from Jerusalem can easily get concert goers singing along. As a studio album, Biblical Revenge it doesn’t jam as much as his 2000 live album, but it can still pack a punch. Lyrics that talk about “whacking Arafat with a bat” reveal Shurin’s large capacity for corny novelty songs. The message, however is serious and one that many have been trying to sing for years.
Copyright 2002 Jewish Community Radio