CD Reviews

CD Reviews

Laura Wetzler
Kabbalah Music: Songs of the Jewish Mystics
2002 Nervy Girl Records

Laura Wetzler performs guitar and showcases her strong vocal talent on this album of kabbalah inspired melodies. The collection covers a variety of different composers from different time periods and countries including some of Laura Wetzler’s own compositions.

A piece by the twelfth century musician Ovadia Ha-Ger one of the oldest notable pieces of Jewish music opens the album. Chassidic nigunim, songs in Ladino and Debbie Friedman compositions are also featured.

Most of Kabbalah Music exhibits Wetzler’s voice with minimal instrumentation if any at all. Exceptions include a catchy number with members of The Klezmatics and L’Cha Dodi performed with members of the Abayudaya Jewish community of Uganda.

Then there’s the unexpected Tkhine of Sarah bas Toivim, which is a haunting Wetzler singing acapella in English about a vision of paradise inhabited by different matriarchs from Jewish history. Her voice echoes as she described her journey "through the next gate where I saw Deborah the prophet..." Other songs featured range from English to Aramaic to Yiddish to Aramaic.

CD Reviews

Copyright 2003 Jewish Community Radio